Repair via In-Place Upgrade: getting the right Version and Build ISO?

  1. Posts : 225

    Repair via In-Place Upgrade: getting the right Version and Build ISO?


    I've decided to try a repair. It'll be an in-place repair, using this tutorial: Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade - Windows 10 Forums

    The first step is to ensure my current build/version matches up with the ISO/USB build/version I'll be using. There's even a link about how to check. I have "Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.494)". seems I have:

    Version = 1511
    Build = 10586.494

    Good enough.

    Using the embedded tutorial link to download an ISO, I went to the linked MS Tech Bench site, selected "Windows 10" (not the N or the KN versions), "English", and 64 bit... I started the download.

    The download shows "Win10_1511_2_English_x64.iso" as the file. How do I check to see if this ISO matches my Build???


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    iamc3k said:
    The download shows "Win10_1511_2_English_x64.iso" as the file. How do I check to see if this ISO matches my Build???


    Easiest way is to mount the ISO file and run setup.exe in the virtual DVD that appears. If it goes straight into the upgrade choices screen then you have the correct ISO. If it asks you for a product key at any time, then you probably don't have the correct ISO and cancel the install by closing that window.

    The ISO files provided by Microsoft do not include the most current cumulative updates. The in-place repair install will roll you back to a previous build. Windows Update will then pull the cumulative update to bring it back to 10586.494.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 225
    Thread Starter


    Thanks! (You've always been really helpful to me, and others.)

      My Computer


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