Can I upgrade the same pc to windows 10 twice?
Ok so my pc came with oem windows 7 home on it and when windows 10 was released as the free upgrade i jumped on that bandwagon. I've been using it ever since but I've been longing for windows 10 pro for a while. Microsoft want to charge me £99 for a pro upgrade from the store and I can't see any other way of doing it except...
A post I saw on eight forums just now made me wonder, if I downgraded back to windows 7 home, I can buy a windows 8.1 pro upgrade key for three parts of nothing from amazon and then install 8.1 pro on my pc, upgrading from 7 home. Could I then do the free upgrade to windows 10 again (only this time going to windows 10 pro instead of home like last time)?
On the one hand I'm thinking I can do this with no issue because, afterall it is a free upgrade until the end of the month so what do microsoft care? I will have gone through a completely legitimate way of getting pro instead of the home version of windows 10 so there's nothing really untoward about it. On the other hand, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong of course) that the windows 10 activation servers match a PC's hardware id in order to activate the free edition without any keys needing to be input, so even though I'd be upgrading from windows 8 pro this time the activation servers might see that I already upgraded this computer to 10 home and refuse to activate with 10 pro installed on it.