Did clean install of Win 10 on SSD - Want to put Win 7 on hard drive

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  1. Posts : 33
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    When dual booting, Windows 10 fast startup should be turned off - sometimes this causes problems when booting into Windows 7:
    Fast Startup - Turn On or Off in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    If it were my computer, I would turn off Windows 10 fast startup. Shut down. Disconnect the SSD. Reinstall Windows 7 to the HDD, this time make sure to delete all the partitions on the hard drive and install to the unallocated space. Then reconnect the SSD as first SATA, HDD as second SATA. Then do the BCD boot command after booting into Windows 10.

    For one thing - when doing a clean install to a completely unallocated drive, there should be more than 1 partition created on it and it looked like you only had 1 partition on the hard drive.
    Thanks a million for all the fast help. I am going to do exactly as you recommended and if all goes well, I will marked this SOLVED! Fingers crossed!!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    You have both the Windows 10 SSD and the Windows 7 HDD connected at the same time, right? Your disk management shows a 1TB HDD connected. Is that just a storage drive you have connected (because with the single partition on it, that is what it looks like). Do you also have a good power lead connected to the Windows 7 HDD? Are both the power lead and SATA cable solidly attached to the hard drive and the SATA cable to the motherboard?
    FINALLY! Windows 7 is on D: and Windows 10 is on C: Now, how do I change my User accounts to D: drive in order to save space on the SSD? I am assuming these User files will be separate from the ones in Windows 7.
      My Computer


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