BIG problems Win 10 Guru needed (Please)

  1. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit

    BIG problems Win 10 Guru needed (Please)

    Hi everyone
    why is it that you only get 'problems' when playing with someone else's PC/Laptop !!!!!!

    Have just upgraded friends laptop - W7 to W10. Installation went well (as per many already done). This was done via a USB flashdrive. HOWEVER have hit a snag, which I will try my best to give an accurate account.

    On Initial booting up, I get the '4 quarter' icon, complete with the clockwise circling dots. This then disappears and the screen remains blank. Interestingly (if left) I can then hear the microsoft boot up completion sound, but still no screen.

    By accident, I read that tapping the on/off button in one persons case did the trick. I tapped momentarily the button twice, and after a short delay the screen went completely black and then returned having relapsed into sleep mode - at that point pushed spacebar/wiggled mouse and found myself at the welcome display - and I was able to go on to a full desktop display.
    Have done repeat installations - resets etc etc, and repairs all to no avail.
    When the laptop is fully booted/running, it does all that it should without any glitches - as said it is just this unaccountable startup and restart situation that has me baffled at the moment.
    Thanks in advance for any guidance and help you can provide.:)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    I would look at the video driver. Try the laptop manufacturer's video driver, even if it is for Windows 8, or try the driver from the maker of the video chip (most likely AMD or Intel).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Hi NavyLCDR

    thanks for your response.
    I have tried an updated driver from Intel - this just replaced like for like.
    I did (in a moment of anything goes) try uninstalling the existing driver - then rebooted. This resulted in the intel driver being replaced by a 'microsoft basic driver' - On that occasion it rebooted albeit a little slowly.

    Trying once again to provide the correct driver for the job - resulted in the reappearance of driver In turn this resulted in the problem recurring. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have just gone to the machine, and to double check again uninstalled the driver (returned to the basic microsoft starter) - rebooted, and after a short delay completed journey to the desktop.
    It would appear that your suggestion is basically spot on - the problem now seems to be getting a driver that actually works!
    Any further info / advice appreciated.
    Forgot to mention my version of windows 10 is 64 bit Pro (replacing Windows 7 64 Pro)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Have you gone back to the manufacturer of the laptop for a driver?

    You can turn off automatic driver updating here:
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Not yet, but will give it a try when next opportunity arises.
    Thanks NavyLCDR for the accuracy of your diagnosis - which proved to be 'spot on'.

    I suspect that There is going to be a problem in getting definitive drivers for this 5/6 year old Laptop (It is a Novatech brand model)
    However I am sure that someone somewhere has already cracked this problem - so keep the comments coming.

    Many thanks
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Received the following from the Novatech forum - and was very disappointed

    "Hi Skofab,

    Thanks for your question. Sadly, the A15x series of laptops is not fully compatible with Windows 10 and therefore that isn't a supported operating system on that unit. You've discovered the compatibility issue - it's to do with the graphics adaptor. Yes you could run with the basic video adaptor, but you would have no support for DirectX or other 3D acceleration technologies.
    Unfortunately this means that there are no drivers available for Windows 10 (there's little point developing drivers for an incompatible chassis). Therefore, if the unit ran successfully on Windows 7, I would suggest reverting to that following the guide at the below link".

    So, a waste of time, and will have to revert to windows 7 Pro. To add a final twist to this saga, I note that via 'settings' there is no option to push a button to go back to the original set up.

    Anyway, all this aside, many thanks to those who assisted me:)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Since my last post - Windows auto installed the offending graphics driver. A shot in the dark - I have disabled all Intel entries in task manager (startup folder).
    At the moment, the Laptop now starts and boots correctly every time from a completely shut down/off state .

    However it will not complete a restart. I have found that if left with a blank screen for a while - two quick taps on the on/off button puts the laptop into sleep mode - then a tap on the spacebar will then allow boot to the desktop.!!!!!

    Weird or what!
    Last edited by Skofab; 18 Jul 2016 at 05:16.
      My Computer


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