Quick question about UEFI before installing Windows 10

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  1. Posts : 426
    Windows 10 64-bit Ver 1909, OS build 18363.535

    Quick question about UEFI before installing Windows 10

    I'm preparing to install Windows 10 on my new PC. The motherboard is the Gigabyte Z170x Gaming 7. I have a quick question about a UEFI setting before I begin:

    Under "storage boot option control" in the UEFI, I have these options:

    - Legacy only (default)
    - UEFI Only
    - Disabled

    I was told in the forums to make sure I install Windows 10 in UEFI mode. Gigabyte told me this board only supports UEFI - there's no legacy BIOS. Maybe I'm a bit confused. What is the "storage boot option control" for? Should I leave that on "Legacy only " or should I set it to "UEFI Only" for Windows 10?

    Also, under CSM support:
    Enables or disables UEFI CSM (Compatibility Support Module) to support a legacy PC boot process.
    - Enabled - enables UEFI CSM (default)
    - Disabled - disables UEFI CSM and supports UEFI BIOS boot process only.

    Which one should I select? I already have "Windows 8/10" selected under "Windows 8/10" features. I'm using a 2TB mechanical drive, no SSD.
    Last edited by rivre; 23 Jun 2016 at 11:32.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,832
    Windows 10 Pro X64


    That MB supports both UEFI and BIOS mode . Hence CSM (Compatible System Mode or something along those lines)

    For installing W10 with UEFI only disable CSM.
    How you set boot control will depend on the media you are going to use for installation. Normally W10 installation media supports both legacy and UEFI modes.
    You could try setting it to UEFI only and if it boots you're good to go.

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 426
    Windows 10 64-bit Ver 1909, OS build 18363.535
    Thread Starter

    Thank you very much. I asked Gigabyte twice and both times they told me this motherboard supports UEFI only, not legacy BIOS. But then they told me to keep CSM enabled. She said I "have to". I was left very confused.

    I want to be sure to install in UEFI mode so it sounds like I should disable CSM.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 426
    Windows 10 64-bit Ver 1909, OS build 18363.535
    Thread Starter

    OK so I disabled CSM and the other options disappeared. I guess I'm all set unless I run into a boot issue.

    Another quick question - should I enable "Secure Boot"? It's set to disabled by default.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,832
    Windows 10 Pro X64


    Secure boot can be enabled or disabled. It only protects the boot sector from viruses etc.
    Normally I have it enabled. Can't recall what the default is on my MB.

      My Computers

  6. Posts : 426
    Windows 10 64-bit Ver 1909, OS build 18363.535
    Thread Starter

    Err, okay I'm having an issue. Now that CSM is disabled, the PC keeps booting back into the UEFI/BIOS automatically. Every time I boot up the PC it boots into the BIOS again. This just started just now when I disabled CSM. Maybe that should be left enabled then? Confused.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,832
    Windows 10 Pro X64


    Yes, that's actually quite normal as it has detected an unexpected change and requires some confirmation.

    Enter the bios and enable CSM and disable Secure boot.
    That should break the loop. If that works you can try disabling CSM again and try to boot from your install media.

      My Computers

  8. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    Make sure you have only one HD/SSD connected to your PC so temporarily disconnect the rest during installation.
    1. Disable CSM & Disable Secure boot.
    2. Find out which function key to invoke Boot Menu then boot up your PC with the Installation USB connected.
    3. Boot up your PC and keep tapping with the Function key in step 3 to display the Boot Menu.
    4. From Boot Menu, there are 2 options for Legacy(MBR) and UEFI. Select UEFI
      Quick question about UEFI before installing Windows 10-boot-menu.jpg
    5. On the first screen, hold down SHIFT key and press F10, type:
      select disk 0
    6. Click Next, select Customize then continue the installation
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 426
    Windows 10 64-bit Ver 1909, OS build 18363.535
    Thread Starter

    topgundcp said:
    1. On the first screen, hold down SHIFT key and press F10, type:
      select disk 0
    2. Click Next, select Customize then continue the installation
    Thanks but what does this do?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 426
    Windows 10 64-bit Ver 1909, OS build 18363.535
    Thread Starter

    fdegrove said:

    Yes, that's actually quite normal as it has detected an unexpected change and requires some confirmation.

    Enter the bios and enable CSM and disable Secure boot.
    That should break the loop. If that works you can try disabling CSM again and try to boot from your install media.

    If I enable CSM I don't have an option to disable Secure Boot. The Secure Boot option is only available if I disable CSM.

    With CSM disabled, I now have this:

    System Mode State: Setup
    Secure Boot State: Disabled.

    As soon as I disable CMS though I'm stuck int he loop. It keeps booting to the BIOS. If I enable CSM the option the secure boot option disappears but then the loop is broken and it skips the BIOS upon reboot.

    Note I don't have my Windows 10 USB thumb drive plugged in yet - I was trying to make sure my settings were correct before I plugged in my install media.
      My Computer


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