Thanks Clark, I had not checked the TP forum for a while. I read the terms that the link provided (dated September), but changes are often minor and difficult to identify. It is rare, in my experience, that the individual terms are spelled out - you just have to be notified that the terms are changing and read the agreement. Since I don't think I have a copy of what was there when I joined, I can't easily compare the two (assuming there are two in existence). I don't know if 30 days advance is accurate, but the notice states that if you continue to use the program, you agree to the existing terms. Following your lead though, a date of 21 Jan is about 7 days prior to the next scheduled Preview Release.
Dave, I dismissed the announcement [X] and clicked on the blue "Learn more" bar at the top of IE, the refreshed the page - no announcement, then I logged off, closed the page, logged back on and opened the page - no announcement. I haven't tried closing my browser (deletes history, including cookies) to see if the announcement reappears, but I'll try that in a bit. So basically I cannot reproduce what you're seeing. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Last edited by Slartybart; 02 Jan 2015 at 17:47.