Windows 10 install doesn't
I am trying to install Windows 10 on a computer that is running 8.1.
All checks and prerequ's passed and I finally selected "Install Now".
Windows 10 downloaded (pretty slow btw.) and then the box rebooted.
It then slowly counted up to 100% claiming that it would be installing Windows 10.
After another reboot my previous desktop re-appeared. At first I was astonished
that everything looked so unmodified until I realized that actually nothing had happened.
The box is still running 8.1.
I then restarted the whole process and I did so several times since, but the result remains the same:
after the second reboot I am back to where I started!
In the install history I have 5 entries by now stating "Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro: Failed".
Of course - as usual - the link promising more info re. this error lands nowhere or rather just some generic page that there is no info available on that error. :-(
How do I force this stupid Windows 10 update to actually do its job?
BTW: it's certainly not a disk space problem: the system has a 900GB HD with ~400GB still free.
I had all Win 8.1 patches installed (also all optional ones) and there was no HW issue in
DeviceManager or anything that would indicate any problem.
Later addition:
Meanwhile I also tried the approach using the Media Creation Tool to create a USB-stick with an installation image and start the setup from that. Here also everything first starts as one would expect, but somewhere at around 86% of the installation on gets the enlightening popup "Something happened - Windows 10 Installation has failed.". Another candidate for the error messages hall of shame...
And - yes - I *had* set the Locale to US-English before attempting the install - one of those useless hints I found on this issue...
Last edited by mmo; 27 Oct 2015 at 16:50.