If you like, you could also get a cheap 8GB USB to use.
That's correct. You would use the ISO to create a bootable USB for installing Windows 10 with. :)
I know this is an old thread but I'll post my comment for others facing a future issue. I am having to rebuild an old PC, right from the start with Win 7. It's now on Win 7 SP1, all patched, using the Windows 10 setup tool. I started maybe 4 hours ago, saw it slowly move to 5% progress in downloading Windows 10. No progress has happened in the last 3 hours. A check of download speeds suggest I have almost 90Mbps available (19Mbps for U/L). CPU is hardly bumping. Tracking download bytes suggest I am getting something like 500 bps - almost nothing. Am certain there is no issue with this PC, or with the Wifi, or the connection out to Internet (other computers/ sites working perfectly normally). All I am left with is something not working well with the Microsoft download app, or bandwidth throttling on the download site... Quite unsatisfactory.
And for future reference, fixed it. Removed Symantec Endpoint Protection from the PC and restarted. Whole download took 7 minutes. Easy fix. Once Win 10 on board, will get the AV protection straight back in place HTH someone down the line..