Win7/64-bit to Win10/64-bit screen locking up while attempting to boot
So I wish I could post the image without having to host it via a URL, but its quite simple, I attempted an install of Win10 when I first got the go-ahead several weeks ago, it went through the entire install (which took an eternity) and then decided it was incompatible as windows updater encountered errors, it reverted back to 7. Last week I tried again and the pre-install launcher came up with an obscure windows update error, which fixed after downloading and installing the auto-tool for windows updater, but then came up with yet another different error with winupdate. I restarted, Rand the tool again, and although the window still showed a red X and the same second error , it allowed me to click "retry" which then just force launched the windows 10 migration. I figured might as well, didn't prompt me with any warnings about the potential error so anyways long sorry short after going ahead, it now freezes on the new logo immediately when it tries to boot the OS, after a couple turns of the progress wheel. Don't know where to go from here and it doesn't seem to be reading any peripherals. Have disconnected and reconnected power and had to force shut down nearly half a dozen times.