Black screen, cursor flickering. Unable to start Windows

  1. Posts : 2

    Black screen, cursor flickering. Unable to start Windows


    I updated my Windows 7 to Windows 10 few weeks ago. The update process went well, atleast it looked like it.
    After the update i started having weird freezing problems. It looked like that some process took 100% of my cpu but i was unable to see what process it was.

    Anyway sometimes this problem occurred several times in a row but after trying enough Windows 10 started OK and everything looked fine.

    Now few days ago there was some updates installing and i got the same freezing problem. I had to restart my pc from the start button. After that reboot i was unable to start Windows. I can see the Bios logos and i can enter to bios but i cant load the Windows. It get stuck before the Windows logo. All i can see is the black screen with flickering cursor ot top left corner.

    I can see my disks from bios and the boot order is OK. I have also tried F8 to select where to boot but no luck.
    I cant even start on safe mode.. (no selection).
    Tried to load bios default. No help.
    Tried with Hirens boot cd. No luck.
    EDIT: Now im able to start some Linux workaround from Hirens Boot CD and can access to my C: Drive..

    Im not having any Win 10 DVD:s so i cant try any repair installation. (im trying to borrow DVD somewhere).
    Win 7 DVD/repair is not working.

    Is there anything i could do anymore? Or do i really have to Install WIN7 again?

    Last edited by Sukkis; 19 Oct 2015 at 12:32.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    Digiwiz MiniPE has a tool for loading a restore point, so you can return to a previous working state, but I haven't tried in Windows 10. Try that and see if it works. Or you can download Windows 10 ISO from here, burn to a DVD and use it to repair your computer. I would recommend going back to a restore point before trying repair startup as it probably won't fix the problem. After you manage to fix Windows and boot successfully into the desktop, I recommend updating all your drivers. That way Windows Update won't try to update them and screw them again. There is also a setting to prevent Windows Update from changing the drivers, but I am not sure if this applies to Windows 10 Home as well as Pro. Right-click on This PC and select Properties. Click on the Advanced system settings at the left. Click the Hardware tab and then the Device installation settings button. Select No, let me choose what to do and then Never install driver software from Windows Update. Click Save changes and then OK.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter


    Thanks for advices..
    All the drivers were updated so i think its not the driver issue.
    Yep. Find that site yesterday and i will download the .ISO and try to run the repair.
    Need also read more about that Digiwiz MiniPE

      My Computer


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