Cannot install Windows 10 Tech Preview on my laptop

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  1. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
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    adamf said:
    ravenwing said:
    Is there a newer update for the software that I can try? I have not seen one or gotten any notification of one, but, perhaps I am not looking in the right place.
    You could try the new 9879 build from here (if you don't mind Enterprise)
    Hi adamf.....what is the real difference between the Enterprise and the other OS's? I understand that the Enterprise is more for business and/or perhaps servers, but, would it work well enough on my laptop for overall testing?

    Thank you so much for your time to reply, I truly appreciate it.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
    Thread Starter

    gregrocker said:
    You wouldn't use ImgBurn to write to flash stick. It is a disk burning utility.

    To write ISO to flash stick use the tool I provided a link for above IF you have an EFI BIOS and are installing to UEFI and not Legacy BIOS. Otherwise use the tool in Clean Install Windows 10 Technical Preview -

    Wiping the HD with Clean command is not formatting it. Did you actually wipe the drive?

    I also asked you if you are booting the installer as an EFI device which is critical if you have an EFI BIOS. We need answers to these questions and not just skipping around. The skipped step is almost always the solution.
    Hi gregrocker.....I do understand that you would not use ImgBurn to burn an ISO to a flash drive, and sorry if I gave that impression in my reply. But, thank you for clarifying it for others who may not know.

    I have checked my BIOS and I do not have an EFI BIOS, at least that I can find any relation to in the BIOS section of the BIOS. The BIOS version is F.19, and the KBC Version is 42.3A. The Boot order shows HD, Floppy Disk, Network Adapter in that order top down. Here is other information if it might help:

    Motherboard Name: Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZV6100 (PN494AV)
    CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64, 2000 MHz 3200+
    Physical Memory: Total - 2046 MB
    BIOS Type: Phoenix

    I did not wipe the drive, I reformatted it. What is the difference, as others may not know well?

    Thank you for your help.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 281

    Wiping the HD with Diskpart Clean Command is the single step that most overcomes installation failure, because it overwrites not only the partition table as in formatting, but also old boot code which can interfere in a number of ways.

    Other steps which resolve almost all installation failures here would be the same as to Troubleshoot Windows 7 Installation Failures - Windows 7 Help Forums.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
    Thread Starter

    gregrocker said:
    Wiping the HD with Diskpart Clean Command is the single step that most overcomes installation failure, because it overwrites not only the partition table as in formatting, but also old boot code which can interfere in a number of ways.

    Other steps which resolve almost all installation failures here would be the same as to Troubleshoot Windows 7 Installation Failures - Windows 7 Help Forums.
    Ok gregrocker, thank you for the clarification. One more question on this process, if I decide to dual boot on the laptop with the Win10, can I wipe just that partition that I want to install the OS on, or will it wipe the entire disk?

    Thanks again for your help. I've been a MS Tech BT for over 15 years, and a MS MVP, and in all the beta testing I've done for MS during that 15 years, I've never had this much trouble installing a beta OS, including beta testing Vista and the Vista SP1 & SP2, and Win7 and Win7 Sp1 on this same laptop, so all these additional steps for this OS is a bit new to me. I thank you for your patience and assistance.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 281

    Wiping the HD destroys all partitions.

    Are you presently trying to Dual Boot? If so Can we see a Disk Mgmt screenshot?

    Confirm the ISO hash or download another and write stick again with tool in tutorial. Both tutorials are under signature pic below.

    When you boot the stick using the HP ESC key and follow the steps, what happens exactly?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
    Thread Starter

    gregrocker said:
    Wiping the HD destroys all partitions.

    Are you presently trying to Dual Boot? If so Can we see a Disk Mgmt screenshot?

    Confirm the ISO hash or download another and write stick again with tool in tutorial. Both tutorials are under signature pic below.

    When you boot the stick using the HP ESC key and follow the steps, what happens exactly?
    Well...I have finally been able to get it to install. Not sure what did the trick, maybe it was to 10th burn that did it. Anyway, it is now installed and I will begin testing. Looks like a nice OS.

    Thank you and the others for all your time and help. Now to go and have some fun with the new toy.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 281

    Glad to hear it :)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 719
    win 7 dual boot / 10

    Ravenwing. Congrats on your install. You do know that it will update it's build at 2am if you are not already on build 9879.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
    Thread Starter

    Charlie said:
    Ravenwing. Congrats on your install. You do know that it will update it's build at 2am if you are not already on build 9879.
    Hi Charlie....what if my laptop is not on at 2:00a. I just got the first download installed, so I am likely due for the update, but, I don't leave my laptop on all night. Will it update when I start the laptop in the morning?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 281

    This would only be if you've chosen to be on the Fast track for Technical Preview build updates, in PC Settings>Update and Recovery>Preview Builds.

    You can set it to Fast and Download the latest build if it makes it available to you this soon after install. You can do this on your own time or set the time at the link on the page there. I am Downloading it now and will Install it myself tomorrow when the Downloading button turns to Install.

    I'd recommend monitoring Windows Update by typing that its name in the Start Search box, open it to Check for Updates, install all Important and Optional to make sure you have needed drivers and patches.

    More here to read about the newest build: New Windows 10 Preview build 9879 available
      My Computer


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