How long does rollback to Windows 7 take? ....

  1. Posts : 422
    Windows 10 1803

    How long does rollback to Windows 7 take? ....

    can someone tell me: on a system with a couple of 1TB drives but little of the space used [50gb...] how long should it be taking to rollback to Windows 7 Pro? It has been on blue screen stating "restarting......" for half a day... call it 8 hours
    Just wondering if its time to bail or ?
    it is a Compaq/HP Elite 8100 i3 model if that helps.. 4gb, 2tb, win 10 pro x64 done the "press the upgrade button and hope/pray" by the unfortunate owner

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    After too many hours it probably hanged. Is the hard disk LED flashing or even on? If not, don't wait any longer! Hold power to shutdown, wait one minute then switch on again. If lucky it will resume, otherwise you'll have to connect your disk to another computer in order to take a backup and then do a clean install of Windows 7. Sorry to give you the bad news, but I think you were suspecting that already...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Usually the revert takes less time to finish than the upgrade did.
      My Computer


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