Updating to build 10565

  1. Posts : 125
    Windows 8

    Updating to build 10565

    My desktop found and installed build 10565 without any problem, even when I was just signed on with a local account.

    However my laptop on build 10547 does not appear to be able to find build 10565 regardless of whether I am signed on with a local or MS account. The advanced update options show that the fast ring is selected.

    Could I just copy the $WINDOWS.~BT directory from my desktop and then run the setup?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    Convert the 10565 ESD to ISO on the desktop, then you can use the ISO to upgrade the laptop.
    ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 125
    Windows 8
    Thread Starter

    I don't see an ESD file on my desktop computer. I have found them with them earlier insider builds.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    machare said:
    I don't see an ESD file on my desktop computer. I have found them with them earlier insider builds.
    I haven't upgraded to 10565 yet. In the past, I have just started with the root folder C:\ and searched for *.esd immediately before or after the upgrade. I can never remember where it's at. And make sure to have show hidden files/folders turned on.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 0
    Dual Boot 10 Pro v1607 10 Pro rs2 build 14971

    You are looking for install.esd. This is in $WindowsBT/Sources.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 125
    Windows 8
    Thread Starter

    Sadly I don't have that file on my desktop PC. :-(
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 0
    Dual Boot 10 Pro v1607 10 Pro rs2 build 14971

    In File explorer click the view tab and make sure that show hidden Items is checked. It should be in $Windows.~BT\Sources.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 125
    Windows 8
    Thread Starter

    No luck, my impression is that the Sources folder has what you need to install W10, but not the ESD file itself.
      My Computer


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