done w windows 10 until further notice

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  1. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Matt Siegel said:
    oh ok my bad then
    Did you get your problem sorted out? Did you do an upgrade or clean install? If you haven't tried it yet maybe a clean install will treat you nice. (If you already tried the clean install sorry. I haven't gone through the entire thread ).
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 318
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    DustSailor said:
    If you're having driver issues, I agree with you, keep the old one (you're really not missing out on much). You've upgraded and activated, so you should have a valid license to upgrade in the future whenever you need. <- I don't know how long this lasts or if it has an expiration, would be curious to find out for sure. But you have at LEAST till the free upgrade offer is taken down.
    i don't think it was so much driver issues as possibly psu issues which is why I'm sending the current psu back to antec so it can get replaced a second time even though this one is technically brand new and if once i get my second replacement the issues still exist then sadly I'm gonna have to have asus rma my board or at least I'm sure gonna try and get them to do it for me because i just do not have the funds to shell out for a new system board right now.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 318
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    badrobot said:
    Did you get your problem sorted out? Did you do an upgrade or clean install? If you haven't tried it yet maybe a clean install will treat you nice. (If you already tried the clean install sorry. I haven't gone through the entire thread ).
    sadly; i had to get a replacement drive sent to me under warranty due to the fact that the previous one is shot due to what could be a psu issue because i also had a issue where i encountered a bad startup file which i believe was attributed to the new psu not wanting to shutdown my system completely. so with that said I'm sending the new psu back to replaced a second time and if the issue still exists i sadly will have to have my mb rma'd through asus. and yes with this new drive i obviously had to do a clean install because my files sadly are stuck on my partially bad western digital my book backup drive.
      My Computer


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