Need To Repair Windows 10 32Bit

  1. Posts : 203
    Windows 10 x64 (Version 20H2) Updated

    Need To Repair Windows 10 32Bit

    I cannot find an information on repairing Windows 10. My windows 10 runs but think I have a hidden folder or a file or so missing after creating a new User Account and copying files and folder from my previous account name.

    Windows runs, I need to keep everything, my files, apps and setting. All I need is to re-install windows so it would add whatever windows part is missing. I Do NOT want to "Reset PC" just need to re-install the OS (Windows). I have searched a great deal but still cannot find the correct info.

    By the way, I started th PC with the disk in the tray, went through the process to Repair PC. It could not and created a TXT file that Ibhave the wrong version. Surely I have the right Windows (32bit) disk created with Windows Creation Tool.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by caxtin; 09 Oct 2015 at 10:39. Reason: More information.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 609

    In order to fix a broken Windows installation, Windows basically contains three options: Reset it, restore it or refresh it.
    Refreshing Windows is the less drastic one of the three - note however that even this one will remove some apps.
    Here is a guide on how it works: Refresh Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    From your problem description I am not even sure, if a refresh would help. If you are missing a file or folder inside your user folder, then a refresh does maybe not help here as it mainly leaves the user folders untouched.

    What is the problem you are having?
    What file/folder do you think is missing?
    Would maybe just using a copying tool correctly fix this? Also hidden files can be copied...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    Open This PC and click on View. Check the box to show hidden items. Now open your hard disk and open the Windows.old folder. Open the Users folder then the folder where your user files where. Copy any folders and files you need to your new user folder. If you think that features are missing from Windows 10 you can also try "upgrading" Windows 10 to Windows 10! Yes this sounds weird but doing so it will perform an in-place install of Windows 10 and hopefully add the missing features. This is the way to repair a Windows installation without the dreaded reset-restore-refresh options that also delete stuff.
      My Computer


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