Install clean Win 10

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  1. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909

    Install clean Win 10

    I used the media creation tool which I had burned to dvd to install win 10 after uupgradingfrom 8.1.
    I paid strict attention to any place like adv or apply to delete the partitions but found none. I did tell it to bring "nothing" forward in the process.
    The pc works well as is activated.
    My question is, b/c I saw nothing about deleting partitions I usually do, and now have partitions C:\, reserved and recovery, did I actually perform a clean install or do I do it over again - + if so how?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,264
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit Version 21H2

    You mean like you will see here and in step 7 ? Doing upgrade as you have to do first, can not do a clean install first without activating upgrade first. One partition might be for old OS recovery. Not sure if booted disk did it UEFI or have this type of BIOS.
    If you can post a screen capture of disk management, right click start button and select it from there.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Sounds like you did not boot from the install media, but just ran setup.exe with it from within the currently running Operating System.

    You probably would not notice any performance improvement by booting from the Windows 10 install media and doing a clean install after deleting everything on the disc, but you might see more free space on your hard drive. You can also use Minitool Partition Wizard Free to delete the recovery partition and add that space to your operating system partition if you want, without doing another Windows 10 install.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    clean install Win 10

    I think I wasted a lot of time.
    This is the tool I used to make the disc. It seems like all I did was another upgrade or installation of 10 without bring anything with me instead of a clean installation. That really is not acceptable.
    I now realize the partitions have to be involved to be on the right track. I thought this was the right disc to use.
    Should I get the iso file and burn that? I have always used an iso file to get it done right.
    I'll try to show you my disc management too.
    I'll wait to hear from you before doing anything but I have a feeling I'll be performing another installation. Just can't believe it.
    PS - where is the Win 10 iso file if that is what I should use? I'll Google it also.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Install clean Win 10-disc.png   Install clean Win 10-disc-2.png  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Your disk management window posted is what you would get with a clean install. What's the issue you are trying to fix?

    If you booted from the Windows 10 USB or DVD, selected custom install, deleted all the partitions on the hard drive, clicked the unallocated space on a completely 100% empty hard drive so there was no possible way to do anything but a clean install, and let windows install, you would end up with exactly the results your disk management window is showing.

    Want to get rid of the 450mb recovery partition? Just delete it and expand your C: drive system partition to fill the empty space. I recommend Minitool Partition Wizard free for that.

    Want to get rid of the 350mb system reserved partition? That's a bit more complicated. You would do the same first two steps. Delete it, expand the C: drive system partition to fill the empty space. But then your computer won't boot because the system reserved partition is where the boot files are (or were before you deleted it!). Then you would boot into a rescue disk that could create the missing boot files, such as Macrium Reflect Free - better have a working rescue disk BEFORE you delete the system reserved partition. Then you would boot from the Macrium Reflect Free rescue disk and select the fix startup utility, it would find the OS on your C: drive partition and recreate the boot files right on that partition.

    As an alternative, you could probably copy all the hidden system files and everything else on the System Reserved partition to the root of C: drive, set the C: drive partition as active, make sure the computer boots with that setup, then delete the System Reserved partition and expand the C: drive partition into the empty space.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    I used the win 10 media installation tool x64.
    I followed all the prompts including the one that says ,"What do you want to bring with you, files etc?"
    I chose nothing. However, unlike all the times I used the ISO fie to install there was no option to delete partitions etc. as in a traditional installation method you outlined. Therefore, I think I just reinstalled Win 10 from the tool but except for bringing nothing with me, just did a reinstallation but not a clean one. I cannot justify using the tool which is advised as one way, following all the given prompts and ending up with an installation but not a clean one.
    This disc management might be the old one. I don't know of any way to tell.
    Space is not an issue but thank you for detailing it for me. I usually click advanced apply and create the partitions anyway as I have so much room.. It is a bit disgusting as I know have to do another clean install and 2 different images. Going from thinking you are all set and getting on with things to this is a bit distressing. 2 PCs to fix.
    I thought bringing "nothing" forward would have cleaned the drive but I know better.When I hear back I will begin the process, again.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    >>This implies the clean install with the tool does not involve partitions. I don't get it.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 375

    maranna said:

    >>This implies the clean install with the tool does not involve partitions. I don't get it.
    That's not a clean install, it's a clean upgrade.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,333
    10 Pro retail 1909
    Thread Starter

    What is the basic difference if you would? I don't know if its worth redoing.

    It is misleading b/c it says install on the title.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    maranna said:
    What is the basic difference if you would? I don't know if its worth redoing.

    It is misleading b/c it says install on the title.
    The clean upgrade install is when you point Windows 10 to a specific partition to install to. You will get a clean install of Windows 10 on the partition that you point it to that way, but all the other partitions on the hard drive will be left in place and only updated as needed.

    A genuine clean install means you delete all the partitions on the hard drive at the beginning of the install process and point Windows 10 to a completely empty, unpartitioned, unallocated space empty hard drive. That can only be done when you actually boot from the Windows 10 install DVD or USB.

    Again, even if you delete all the partitions on the disk and install it to a completely empty, unpartitioned hard drive, on a legacy bios system you will end up with the three partitions exactly as your disk management screenshot shows.
      My Computer


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