Windows 10 CD Drive

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    Windows 10 CD Drive

    I am installing Windows 10 through USB and creating two partitions. C and D, but after installation is finished, C remains the same, but D becomes E and USB drive becomes D. I have to make second partition as D drive after installation as I have to move user profile from C drive to D drive. Need help as I am stuck with this stage. I have created unattended file, where user profile is placed in D:\users instead of c:\users. My unattend file is copied in flash and system is copying user profile to E drive which is USB drive. Waiting for your response.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 609

    After the Windows installation, when you are inside Windows itself, you can still modify the disc partitions and also the drive letters:

    Search for "create and format partitions". That will bring up the disc partitioning tool. It will allow you to modify partition sizes and also to change the associated drive letters. Rightclick a drive and select "Change drive letter and paths" and change the drive letter. Note that this tool also allows you to delete whole partitions, which basically means: You lose all data, which had been in them. Don't do that - handle with care!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I am using Unattend file which is copied to the flash drive, where user profile is moved to D drive. After installing the windows, user profile is moved to flash drive instead of D partition. Is there a way to change the drive letter before installing windows 10? Need urgent help.
    Joergi said:
    After the Windows installation, when you are inside Windows itself, you can still modify the disc partitions and also the drive letters:

    Search for "create and format partitions". That will bring up the disc partitioning tool. It will allow you to modify partition sizes and also to change the associated drive letters. Rightclick a drive and select "Change drive letter and paths" and change the drive letter. Note that this tool also allows you to delete whole partitions, which basically means: You lose all data, which had been in them. Don't do that - handle with care!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 609

    So how are you installing Windows? Are you running an unattended installation?

    How are you creating partitions? That is the steps, at which you probably should fix the drive letters.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I am doing unattended installation with unattend file containing user folder location and other settings in Generalize, specialize and OOBE. Boot the Computer with USB drive with windows 10 installation. After clicking on Install Now window during installation, created two partitions and started the installation on first partition. USB is still connected with the computer. After reboot, drive letter D is given to flash drive and E becomes second partition.

    Joergi said:
    So how are you installing Windows? Are you running an unattended installation?

    How are you creating partitions? That is the steps, at which you probably should fix the drive letters.
      My Computer


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