In place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?

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  1. Posts : 6,860
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    There are two kinds of installations: Legacy - MBR or UEFI- GPT. Your MB is able to accept both.
    Legacy - MBR is the old style and UEFI- GPT is the modern style.

    Legacy - MBR normally has 3 partitions: System, C and Recover
    UEFI- GPT normally has 4 partitions: EFI, MSR, C and Recover

    Let's see what you have.
    Please post a whole window Disk Manager image of ALL your drives. Don't forget to expand the columns so we can read them. How to Post a Screenshot of Disk Management
    If you have a MiniTool or AOMEI Partition use it instead or Windows disk manager.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 306
    Win 10 Pro 64 V22H2 Build 19045.4561
    Thread Starter

    I Hope these are what you need.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails In place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?-mini-tool-screen-shot.jpg   In place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?-disk-mange.jpg  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,860
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    Your Windows drive is Legacy- MBR and don't have the System partition.

    As Win 11 require the drive to be UEFI-GPT (can also be tweaked) we can make the new MX500 a UEFI-GPT, If you agree with it.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 306
    Win 10 Pro 64 V22H2 Build 19045.4561
    Thread Starter

    If UEFI-GPT is what I need then I agree to making my MX500 a UEFI-GPT drive, I am totally lost here so am in your hands so to speak.
    The new 1TB drive arrived today and the 2.5 to 3.5" adapter should arrive tomorrow.
    I can install both and connect the SSD to the 6gb Grey MoBo connector, the HDD is also connected to the same connector.
    Is there anything else needed? Is this done in stages and if so what are the stages?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,860
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    Don't worried, I'll give you detailed instructions.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 6,860
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    Attach the new MX500 to a SATA 600 port and to a power supply socket.
    Detach all other drives but not the current main drive
    Boot normally into Win 10

    To prepare the new drive.
    Open a CMD window as administrator and type: (you can copy one command line and paste to the CMD window. Then do the same for the next command)

    reagentc /disable (Very important. This will disable the recovery environment on the current drive)

    list disk (it will list all drives. Identify the new MX500 drive number)
    select disk n (replace n by the new MX500 drive number obtained with list disk)
    convert gpt
    create part EFI size=100
    format quick FS=fat32 label=EFI
    assign letter=W
    create part MSR size=16
    exit (to exit diskpart)
    On the new MX500 drive you now have an empty EFI FAT32 100M partition (W) and a RAW MSR 16M partition.

    Launch Macrium Reflect
    select the current drive as source to clone
    select the MX500 drive as target

    drag and drop the Windows partition to the target.
    Don't select to clone the Recovery partition
    Execute the Macrium Reflect

    It's not ready yet. The drive won't boot. There are more steps to be done.
    Post a Disk Manager image of the Current drive and the MX500 so I can see the results.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 306
    Win 10 Pro 64 V22H2 Build 19045.4561
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Megahertz, that is very helpful!
    I have printed it out so I can refer to it when I come to do it. I now have the new SSD and the adapter so will install it later today.
    I used to use dos at work decades ago.

    Okay. a couple of dumb questions:
    When you say, Execute Macrium Reflect, I guess there will be some sort of tick box or enter to be actioned?
    Will having FAT32 format for the new drive and NTFS for everything else make any difference, I am not questioning your instructions just wondering why.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 24,097
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.4894 (x64) [22H2]

    Trapper said:

    Thank you Megahertz, that is very helpful!
    I have printed it out so I can refer to it when I come to do it. I now have the new SSD and the adapter so will install it later today.
    I used to use dos at work decades ago.

    Okay. a couple of dumb questions:
    When you say, Execute Macrium Reflect, I guess there will be some sort of tick box or enter to be actioned?
    Will having FAT32 format for the new drive and NTFS for everything else make any difference, I am not questioning your instructions just wondering why.

    The only thing that is FAT32 is the 100MB EFI partition that was created on the new drive with Diskpart.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 6,860
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    Trapper said:

    Thank you Megahertz, that is very helpful!
    I have printed it out so I can refer to it when I come to do it. I now have the new SSD and the adapter so will install it later today.
    I used to use dos at work decades ago.

    Okay. a couple of dumb questions:
    When you say, Execute Macrium Reflect, I guess there will be some sort of tick box or enter to be actioned?
    Will having FAT32 format for the new drive and NTFS for everything else make any difference, I am not questioning your instructions just wondering why.
    On Macrium Reflect you will start with the source drive (Current) on top and target (MX500) on bottom.
    At this point the target (MX500) will have a EFI and a MSR partition created with diskpart. You then drag and drop the Windows partition from the source to the unallocated space on the target. Then press next till done.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 306
    Win 10 Pro 64 V22H2 Build 19045.4561
    Thread Starter

    Disconnected all the drives, as screenshot. Started to follow your instructions and only got as far as list disk as in screenshot. I do not think the new drive is also faulty.
    I will reboot and check the BIOS to see if that can see the new SSD.......In place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?-list-disk-no-ssd-2024-08-15-084139.jpgIn place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?-disk-mang-pre-ssd-2024-08-15-083124.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    Re booted. New drive shows up in BIOS:
    Boot override:
    P2 WDC10...
    P1 CT1000MX500SSD1
    No idea where to go from here, I swapped the drive cable plugs over when I tried this with the SanDisk 500gb drive and used a different plug on the multiple power connector lead.

    Hold on folks, I actually had an idea and opened Device Manager, that showed the new SSD, when I tried the same with the 500gb SSD that did not show.

    New 1TB SSD 'Properties' shows:
    Device SCSI\Disk&Ven_&Prod_CT1000MX500SSD1\4&15ad2e1c&0&000000 was not migrated due to partial or ambiguous match.

    Last Device Instance Id: USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_VendorCo&Prod_ProductCode&Rev_2.00\2320441007702159522&0
    Class Guid: {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    Location Path:
    Migration Rank: 0xF000FC00FFFFF130
    Present: false
    Status: 0xC0000719

    Maybe it needs a drive letter before WIndows sees it?
    In place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?-ssd-device-mang-2024-08-15-091451.jpg

    Disk Manager has now decided to also show it so I will try the CMD task again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Looks like I have succeeded with the CMD section.
    Now for the last bit of part 1.
    I have two drives as shown on the screenshot below.
    Drive 1 is the current drive
    Drive 0 is the SSD
    I have to go out now as the wife is not happy being an hour late already.
    I will have another look on my return and hope I get the next bit right!
    In place Upgrade Win 10 to a previous build # 4561 to 2965 ?-mr-s-shot-2024-08-15-095033.jpg
      My Computer


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