Refresh, reinstall, or fuggedaboutit?
I've never had to refresh/reset Windows in any of the computers I've had but after 5 years with the present computer (a refurbished HP) I think it may help performance to freshen up things somewhat.
The online instructions for this seem fairly simple in that 'refresh' keeps files but removes apps etc., while 'reinstall' gives you a clean slate. Which of course means save one's files on an external drive and then migrate back.
Refreshing the OS is what I was going for but then I thought a reinstall would be even better. I called a repair place to ask them if the computer I had would have Win 10 in place to do that. The person on the phone said that it might not be in there. I tried to get some more info from him but he seemed hurried and I guess it was one of those things that maybe they get a lot of calls like mine and they're not about to give lengthy advice for free.
As an option, I looked around online and noticed the bit about making an ISO image on a drive and instructions as how to proceed from there. I have some empty flash sticks so that shouldn't be much of a problem.
How/where would I go about finding if this PC has Win 10 to do such for the reinstall before I go the ISO image route? I ask this because I remember seeing somewhere (can't remember where on the PC) something about 'Win 7'. Best I can guess about this is that maybe the original PC had Win 7 and then refurbished with Win 10 which would then lend logic to the repair person's comments. In my opinion, Win 7 was a great OS but of course time marches on to the drumbeat of Microsoft 'improvements'.
By the way, this refurbished PC has been running like a champ for 5 years. A couple of hiccups here and there that were easily addressed by myself but otherwise as pleasant as Christopher Cross' song, 'Sailing'.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.