- - - Updated - - -
Strange, I never personally noticed any BSOD during usage yesterday, As in going to the blue screen. Unless it can happen in the background without going to the blue screen idk.
1) Open administrative command prompt and copy and paste
PowerShell $D=(New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).SpecialFolders(4);Compress-Archive "%WinDir%\MEMORY.DMP" "$D\Memory_dmp"
Post a separate share link into this thread with only the compressed memory dump.
Here is the memory dump file: - Google Drive
2) Open administrative command prompt and copy and paste:
msdt.exe -id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic
msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic
For each Microsoft Windows troubleshooter click (if available view detailed information) > post images or share links into this thread
I ran both but did NOT apply anything, did you want me to apply it or just check the results and post images here?
Device Diagnostics:
3) Perform Windows updates > post images of any updates or error messages or codes into this thread using share links
Here is the most recent updates available that i just installed. That intel driver is going to revert me back to the 2017 version again instead of the 2015 one from Lenovo's website. And I Don't see any errors on install history list.
Optional updates listed. Should I install ALL of these? Idk why intel's driver tool did not auto install these if they are needed? Why is AMD listed in there? I have an intel
4) Run HD Tune (free or trial version) (all drives)
HD Tune website
Post images or share links for results on these tbs:
a) Health
b) Benchmark
c) Full error scan
5) After posting HD Tune results into this thread download and install HD Sentinel (trial version)
Hard Disk Sentinel - HDD health and temperature monitoring
Post images or share links for results on these tabs
a) Overview
b) Temperature
6) Monitor the computer using Reliability Monitor:
Reliability Monitor is the Best Windows Troubleshooting Tool You Aren’t Using
7) For any new BSOD post a new V2 share link into the newest post.
Last edited by jerry76; 19 Jun 2023 at 18:54.