Worked, query results query 2.txt - Google Drive
Worked, query results query 2.txt - Google Drive
Test only: dptfdevpch DptfDevPch c:\windows\system32\drivers\dptfdevpch.sys
with these customized tests:
Code:[ ] 0x00000001 Special pool. [ ] 0x00000002 Force IRQL checking. [ ] 0x00000008 Pool tracking. [ ] 0x00000010 I/O verification. [ ] 0x00000020 Deadlock detection. [ ] 0x00000080 DMA checking. [ ] 0x00000100 Security checks. [ ] 0x00000200 Force pending I/O requests.
Done. no bsod. query results- query 3.txt - Google Drive
Test only dptfmanager DptfManager c:\windows\system32\drivers\dptfmanager.sys
with the same customized tests.
done. no bsod . query results- query 4.txt - Google Drive
Test both of these drivers with all of the customized tests except random.
no bsod. query results- query 5.txt - Google Drive
Test only: dptfdevproc DptfDevProc c:\windows\system32\drivers\dptfdevproc.sys
with these three customized tests:
Code:[ ] 0x00000010 I/O verification. [ ] 0x00000200 Force pending I/O requests. [ ] 0x00000400 IRP logging.
no bsod. query results. query 6.txt - Google Drive
test only the single driver with these customized tests:
Code:[ ] 0x00000001 Special pool. [ ] 0x00000002 Force IRQL checking. [ ] 0x00000008 Pool tracking. [ ] 0x00000010 I/O verification. [ ] 0x00000020 Deadlock detection. [ ] 0x00000080 DMA checking. [ ] 0x00000100 Security checks. [ ] 0x00000800 Miscellaneous checks. [ ] 0x00020000 DDI compliance checking