Win 10 LTSC & EOL
I have taken ownership of a win 8.1 desktop which is Win 10 compatible, but NOT Win 11.
It is a good machine with no defects.
I can get a (legit) Win 10 LTSC license to use.
I would like to maximise the usefulness of the asset (patched/secure/functional).
Which variant of Win 10 LTSC should I install to do this?
I understand there will be no further feature updates for 10. All I care about is a secure/patched & safe to use machine, for more than a few years ahead.
For the Win 10 LTSC that is supported till 2027 with security updates/patches - will those updates (after Oct 2025) be free, or will they require yearly subscription for 2026 & 2027?
TLDR: Win 8.1 desktop to Win 10 LTSC. Identify which variant of 10 LTSC to install, for longest (free) patches/sec-updates past 2025?