Error 0xc0000428 Now Clean Install Of Windows = Panic

  1. Posts : 277
    Windows 10

    Error 0xc0000428 Now Clean Install Of Windows = Panic

    Last night i was restoring a backup to my C drive and on the reboot I got a blue screen with error code as shown in title. I could not escape this screen !

    Due to work restrictions I do not have time to keep looking for new versions of the backup software in my case "Aomei Backupper". My edition must be at least a year old. According to the changelog at : Changelog – AOMEI Backupper there have been intances of blue screens over the year.

    My only hope now is to do a clean instal of Windows using a bootable USB stick that I made on another machine using the media creation tool of Windows.

    When it comes to the instal am I correct in thinking that a graph will be shown with all existing partitions ,do i select delete for ALL of them as I expect they may otherwise be corrupt ?

    Also at what stage of the installation do I remove the USB stick. From distant memory is it when the screen says your computer will restart in X seconds ?

    Its obvious the backup software in someway caused my problem and if I keep it updated in future hopefully I will be alright.

    Any advice would be welcome.
    Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    From the searchable Tutorials section:
    Clean Install Windows 10

    Around steps 13,14 you will see the screens where you delete all partitions comprising your existing O/S. Typically 4 for UEFI.
    You can keep data partitions if any.

    Only have your system disk in place when clean installing.

    If your PC supports a boot menu, rather than setting boot priority, use that as you then shouldn't have to worry about when to remove the bootable medium.

    Recommended: Macrium Reflect. (Now paid for only).
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 7,051
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    Please edit your profile with ALL your hardware specs. It will help us to help you
    System Specs - Fill in at Ten Forums

    What kind of restoration were you doing? A complete drive restoration?
    How did you launch the Aomei Backupper? From running Windows or from a boot able USB drive?
    Where is the Aomei Backup image stored, on an external drive?

    Don't you have a Aomei Backupper on a boot able USB drive so you can try to recover the image again?

    A Clean install will clean all the drive so you will loose everything on it.

    Windows can be installed in two ways: Legacy-MBR or UEFI-GPT
    To install as Legacy-MBR you must boot the installation drive as Legacy
    To install as UEFI-GPT you must boot the installation drive as UEFI.

    If you have a UEFI BIOS, you should install as UEFI-GPT
    Detach any other drives (SATA or Power cable) from the MB.

    During POST, press F12(?) to launch the boot menu. You will see two options for the USB drive. USB UEFI (Name) and USB (Name). Select USB UEFI (Name) if you want to install as UEFI-GPT or select USB (name) if you want to install as Legacy-MBR.
    Go to install and delete ALL partitions on the main drive till you have one and only one unallocated space and then proceed.
    You can remove the USB drive when it says it will reboot (after copying and expanding files and folders)
    If you don't want to use MS account, don't enable updates or connect to the internet during installation.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 277
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for all the information. In the end I downloaded the media creation Tool.

    The download was fairly quick especially as I am on a very slow ADSL connection. Also the Windows Updates were OK. I am now happy again.

    I don't want any negative comments on the following because I am aware that the way I do backups is usually not advised. I backup to a seperate partition on the same drive and use Aomei PE bootable media to complete the backup or restore process.
    In my opinion there is no backup software as simple to use as Aomei Backupper. I would recommend it to everyone. to at least try.

    I have 12 laptops all Fujitsu, six very old running Windows 7 (I do not share USB sticks or even the Internet connection with newer versions of Windows). Also 4 x AH530 running Windows 10 which cannot officially be upgraded to Windows 11. I also have two very recent machines running Windows 10 and fully capable of running Windows 11. It is one of these two that I had my problem with. It is very difficult to find retailers in the UK who have NEW boxed Fujitsu laptops for sale to the general public.

    To come to the present I now have the task of changing the "normal" settings to match my other machine along with the programmes.

    I am going to do regular backups and keep most of my software including Aomei Backupper) up to date
    Thanks everyone.
      My Computer


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