Dell Precision m3800 stuttering and lag

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Dell Precision m3800 stuttering and lag

    Hi All,
    Just wondering if anyone else has seen these type of issues. I did an in-place upgrade on my brand new m3800 laptop and am getting graphics stuttering and lag. I also have noticed that if I open the nvidia control panel, the 3D preview window is completely grey and doesn't show anything. I don't see CPU spikes or anything else indicative of issues. Anyone have any ideas? I can try a clean install as well, just haven't had time yet.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    Try reinstalling your Video Drivers. Most likely the OS has installed a basic driver. Use the Windows 8.1 drivers, they should work fine.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Indianatone said:
    Try reinstalling your Video Drivers. Most likely the OS has installed a basic driver. Use the Windows 8.1 drivers, they should work fine.
    I gave that a shot, but it didn't fix it. I tried using Driver Fusion to remove any remnants, which then put me in a boot loop. I wiped the laptop and completely fresh installed. The system is still stuttering and I see the spinning dots animation on the login screen and other places freezing for as much as a two seconds sometimes. There are no CPU spikes or other problems to explain this. I suspect that this laptop has Optimus and I'm wondering if that is the problem. I just got it about 2 hours before I installed Windows 10 on it.

    Edit: screenshot of nvidia CP belowDell Precision m3800 stuttering and lag-no-preview.png

    Edit 2: Confirmed nVidia Optimus is broken on Windows 10 for the time being. I suspect that is the root of my issues. There doesn't appear to be any way to turn it off either.
    Last edited by PWn3R; 02 Oct 2014 at 17:57.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 194
    Windows 10

    @PWn3R Did you ever find a solution? Optimus is still not working correctly under Windows 10. This is a total joke. It randomly triggers the dGPU for a few milliseconds where it shouldnt, causing lags, battery drain, and forcing on fans on some laptops for no reason.

    There is no way to deactivate Optimus, there is no 100% manual mode. The Optimus profiles are mostly not working an are ignored.
      My Computer


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