Sure, you've got a healthy 1st Recovery partition- that's neither here nor there. I'm sure that will turn out to be an irrelevant partition.
Just considering the minor point- your Recovery partition- have you yet tried (as I suggested)
You could try
reagentc /enable
then to check
reagentc /info
- again from an admin command prompt.
As for your upgrade failure, you're back to
- checking integrity (see previous posts)
- setupdiag.exe
- reviewing log files
doing the basics to eliminate things that might interfere.
Feel free to try the MS Update Assistant.
Diagnosing upgrade failure is HARD and time consuming. Few will try to undertake it- or are able to.
Note how a driver problem can cause what you see:
Fix Windows 10 update stuck at 61% (Percent) - Easy ways
- perhaps not that specific driver... look at your log files.
Here's a case where the poster digs deeper: interesting...
Case of upgrade stuck on 62% – DeployWindows