Installing to empty SSD
Hi, greetings from England.
I'm a former military electronic systems tech who dabbles in IT support for myself and the family, but I'm finding, at 68 years old, that the technology has gone so fast that I frequently struggle to keep up!
I need to install Windows 10 onto a blank (partitioned and formatted) SSD to replace my dead HDD but I am having issues with the "boot from flash drive" process.
I followed the instructions and got the data onto the memory stick, rebooted the PC with the SSD connected and followed the process; product key, new installation, acceptance of terms, selection of drive/partition and the application started. However 20 seconds, or so, into Step 2, loading the files, the monitor went blank and displayed "monitor going to sleep" and that's where I still am, 20 minutes later. The PC is still runnning but there is no indication of anything happening. Does the HDD light flash like the HDD used to during data transfer? The monitor stays "live" while in BIOS and during the initial phase of the install process but goes to sleep as described above.
Any ideas?