Windows installer partition problem

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 10

    Windows installer partition problem

    Podczas instalacji win 10 z usb na ekranie wyboru partycji mam komunikat "nie mozna utworzyc nowej partycji ani zlokalizowac istniejacej " usb robione za pomoca yumi prosze o pomoc
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 44,648
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Welcome to tenforums.

    Please note the working language is English. As necessary please use a translation tool... including information on any screenshots. Thanks.

    "Windows installer partition problem
    When installing win 10 from usb on the partition selection screen I get the message "unable to create a new partition or locate an existing one" usb made with yumi please help

    Are you trying to clean install Win 10? Please be clearer as to what you are attempting. A photograph of the screen might help. Thank you.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    A gdzie jest to narzedzie do tlumaczenia i jak dodac foto tu na forum probuje czysta instalacje
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @pacio,
    Welcome to TenForums.

    And where is this translation tool and how to add a photo here on the forum, I'm trying a clean install.
    In your browser type Google Translate.

    Or for your computer Language > Change Display Language in Windows 10

    I hope this helps.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 44,648
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Here's how - from the huge searchable Tutorials section:

    Clean Install Windows 10

    Note: best to create a bootable USB installer using the MS media creation tool.

    Blue text in the above tutorial => links - you can click on it.

    Translation e.g.
    Windows installer partition problem-1.jpg

    unable to create a new partition
    You do NOT create partitions into which to install Windows.
    Windows is installed to unallocated space (= no partitions) and creates its own as part of the installation process.

    Around step 13/14 of the tutorial there is an option to delete all existing partitions of which the existing O/S is made up.
    That's typically 4 partitions to delelete for a UEFI installation - maybe more if there are left-over Recovery partitions.
    Last edited by dalchina; 09 Feb 2023 at 08:02.
      My Computers


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