what happend to OS if replaced the hardware?

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  1. Posts : 15,882

    NavyLCDR said:
    I completely agree. But what if the old computer does not have a unique product key? What if it was an upgrade from Windows 7 and only has the generic product key? What if it was a clean install of Windows 10 done based on the digital license and only has the generic product key? By removing that computer from your Microsoft Account you have now made its digital license impossible to transfer to the new computer. So, what is the necessity for deactivating the old computer and removing it from the Microsoft Account anyway? There is no necessity to do so and all you are doing is limiting your options for activating the new computer.

    I've got 17 devices listed on my Microsoft Account right now.
    Pretty sure at one time, MSA would only list 10 devices - there was a period where some people got a change that allowed up to (iirc) 2000 devices but that disappeared and went back to 10. I guess MS has relaxed the 10 device limit since?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    cereberus said:
    Pretty sure at one time, MSA would only list 10 devices - there was a period where some people got a change that allowed up to (iirc) 2000 devices but that disappeared and went back to 10. I guess MS has relaxed the 10 device limit since?
    Don't know. All I know is what is listed on my MS account.
      My Computer


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