I did a clean install of win10 on a separate HD via iso image to a DVD. I also installed Easy BCD 2.2 on my win7 hdd...... now on the screen that shows the Operating Systems upon bootup, when I choose Win10, I get the" unsigned digital file" error. I checked the box in Easybcd for win 10 that says except them but still get it. I can boot to Win7 or Unbuntu14 from the same screen, no problem.
So to get to Win 10 I have to hit F12 at boot up and chose the HDD with win10 on it and it loads fine. not a big deal, but I'm a "why" type of guy!! Is Easybcd a prob with Win10. I can understand the digital signature thingy, any help.
oh btw, I installed EasyBCD on my Win7 HDD which is the default.
thanks, besides a few issues, I kinda like this Technical Release, considering I havent tries win8 yet.
Some instructions for dual boot state to unplug all hard drives, but I have read some that state only need to unplug the hard drives with other OS on them. Which do you suggest I do?
If you think you are experienced enough and knowlegeable in recovering or fixing boot issues and if you are keeping data backups and system images, then don't unplug the other drives.
But if you are new to all of this and it is your first time with the Win 10, tnen unplug those drives.
Last edited by badrobot; 10 Mar 2015 at 12:23.
I would disconnect all drives that are important to you
During install and usage of 10tp.
I have all drives auto backed up weekly, but if I don't have to deal with any boot issues then I would rather not. I assume then I can disconnect the other drives and clean install Win 10 on my new blank SSD. Once installed I can hook the other drives up correct? On a reboot will I get the screen for dual boot to select the OS? I did this long ago with Win 8 but forgot how I got the dual boot screen showing Win 7 and Win 8. Thanks for all the assistance.