Will formatting a drive in the installation menu make it a GPT drive?
Ok, well, the title may not be that descriptive due to the size limitations, so here's the full, unadulterated question:
When I am in the windows setup menu (booting from a USB drive, utilizing the Media Creation Tool), I am not allowed to install windows onto any of my drives pertaining to the fact that they are formatted in MBR. If I press the format button, will it allow me to reformat the drive into GPT?
I am doing this to have a complete and utter refresh of my PC, as resetting and reinstalling traditionally (via Media Creation Tool's "upgrade this PC" option) has yielded no positive effect on my system's difficulties.
And before I get the suggestion to use mbr2gpt.exe in CMD, it doesn't work. At all. No matter what I tried. According to Windows, I don't have an operating system partition anywhere on my computer. Neat.