Windows 10 1909 End of Life Question
Sometime in May Windows 10, 1909 reaches end of life. Having never encountered this I'm really curious as to what May+x will look like. I've read many a post here from folks still running Windows 7, so I'm pretty sure that I won't get a window that pops up saying upgrade or else. But, will Windows Defender still get definition updates, and will Windows Defender get its own update as is normal every month? The second Tuesday CUs will stop I guess, but based on the last couple of months, that may not be all that bad. I also have Microsoft Office 2019 installed, will that continue to get updates?
I'm sure that at some point I'll update to either 2004 or straight to 20H2, but right now I've got too many things going on to really risk bricking the laptop if I don't need to. Thanks!