Reset UEFI install using MBR partition from external drive?
Hi folks,
I recently made the mistake of moving my boot partition (pro tip: don't do that) and ended up re-installing Win10 from scratch. Trouble is, my drivers are all wonky now, and I'm finding it to be a hassle to manually copy over my files & re-install software.
I have a copy of my former C:\ partition - not an image, a byte for byte copy - on an external USB drive. I also have an image of the partition, made using EaseUS Todo Backup, but something seems to be wrong with it - in comparison with the other images I've made using the same tool, this one doesn't let me look inside and see the individual files.
What would be the best way to re-create my original install?
Caveat: the original was set up as a BIOS/MBR partition, and with the re-install, I had to switch to UEFI/GPT (Win10 install media refused to legacy boot). So I don't think I can just clone the partition back - I have already tried this and had to re-install again :/
Advice appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
Last edited by jfrench; 12 Mar 2021 at 21:17.