My MSconfig boot tab is empty, and I can't fix it

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  1. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    agiyx said:
    Ok so the clean install is done. What are the exact steps now?
    Reinstall Macrium Reflect Free. Then right click on your image file that you created before and there should be an option to browse it. There will be a checkbox for something like access protected files or something like that, make sure that box is checked. Then you will be able to see your old Windows 10 installation and can navigate to your old user folder and retrieve files out of it that you need.

    Since you have Windows 10 Pro, you can even install Hyper-V virtual machine host. Then when you install Macrium Reflect Free you can also install VI-Boot. That would even allow you to boot your backup image in a virtual machine

    You did verify the computer was booting from the SSD in those steps I provided?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    You did verify the computer was booting from the SSD in those steps I provided?
    I think so. I installed windows into the ssd.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 42,972
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    NavyLCDR said:
    I don't think bcdboot C:\Windows /s M:/UEFI is a valid command.

    C:\Windows\system32>bcdboot /?
    Bcdboot - Bcd boot file creation and repair tool.
    The bcdboot.exe command-line tool is used to copy critical boot files to the
    system partition and to create a new system BCD store.
    bcdboot <source> [/l <locale>] [/s <volume-letter> [/f <firmware>]] [/v]
                     [/vbcd] [/m [{OS Loader ID}]] [/addlast] [/p] [/c]
      source     Specifies the location of the windows system root.
      /l         Specifies an optional locale parameter to use when
                 initializing the BCD store. The default is US English.
      /s         Specifies an optional volume letter parameter to designate
                 the target system partition where boot environment files are
                 copied.  The default is the system partition identified by
                 the firmware.
      /v         Enables verbose mode.
      /vbcd      Enables BCD logging.
      /m         If an OS loader GUID is provided, this option merges the
                 given loader object with the system template to produce a
                 bootable entry. Otherwise, only global objects are merged.
      /d         Specifies that the existing default windows boot entry
                 should be preserved.
      /f         Used with the /s command, specifies the firmware type of the
                 target system partition. Options for <firmware> are 'UEFI',
                 'BIOS', or 'ALL'.
      /addlast   Specifies that the windows boot manager firmware entry
                 should be added last. The default behavior is to add it
      /bcdclean  Clean the BCD Store. By default, simply removes any duplicate
                 entries in the BCD. Can be followed by 'full'. In this case,
                 each entry is scanned. If the corresponding device for that entry
                 does not exist, the entry is deleted.
      /p         Specifies that the windows boot manager firmware entry
                 position should be preserved. If entry does not exist,
                 new entry will be added in the first position.
      /c         Specifies that any existing objects described by the template
                 should not be migrated.
    Examples: bcdboot c:\windows /l en-us
              bcdboot c:\windows /s h:
              bcdboot c:\windows /s h: /f UEFI
              bcdboot c:\windows /m {d58d10c6-df53-11dc-878f-00064f4f4e08}
              bcdboot c:\windows /d /addlast
              bcdboot c:\windows /p
    bcdboot C:\Windows /s M: /f UEFI would be valid.
    Yes. Thx.

    format M: /fs:FAT32
    md \EFI\Microsoft\boot
    CD/D M:\EFI\Microsoft\boot
    bootrec /fixboot
    bcdboot c:\windows /s M: /f UEFI
    It may automatically run Chkdsk.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    Reinstall Macrium Reflect Free. Then right click on your image file that you created before and there should be an option to browse it. There will be a checkbox for something like access protected files or something like that, make sure that box is checked. Then you will be able to see your old Windows 10 installation and can navigate to your old user folder and retrieve files out of it that you need.

    Since you have Windows 10 Pro, you can even install Hyper-V virtual machine host. Then when you install Macrium Reflect Free you can also install VI-Boot. That would even allow you to boot your backup image in a virtual machine

    You did verify the computer was booting from the SSD in those steps I provided?
    Can i just drag drop my programs and files into my ssd? Without any problems?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So i am finally done. Clean installed. Everything recovered. Should i delete the image i created and instead save a new backup instead?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    agiyx said:
    Can i just drag drop my programs and files into my ssd? Without any problems?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So i am finally done. Clean installed. Everything recovered. Should i delete the image i created and instead save a new backup instead?
    My recommendation: If you have space to make another image, keep both and delete the old one in 10 days Once you delete it, it's gone forever.

    Congratulations And thanks to everyone.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 42,972
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    Were you planning dual boot or single boot?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @agiyx,

    agiyx said:
    Can I just drag drop my programs and files into my ssd? Without any problems?

    NO, because programs get installed from an .exe which writes into the Registry, among other places.

    I hope this helps.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Paul Black said:
    Hello @agiyx,

    NO, because programs get installed from an .exe which writes into the Registry, among other places.

    I hope this helps.
    The only time you can just drag is if the .exe was from a portable app, otherwise if you installed it via an installer, as Paul said, you have to install it again into your clean new shiny install you just made.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    So @agiyx,
    The silver linings from this ordeal are you now know how to make and restore from a MR backup and what else would you say?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64
      My Computer


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