How to Custom Install Windows 10
When you perform a custom install of Windows 10, a clean install of Windows 10 is performed only on the same partition as the previous installation of Windows to replace it, and the previous installation is...
Kari wrote - "Capturing install.wim from an existing installation only works on computers / virtual machines where all system elements and user accounts are located on Windows system partition C:" - is there a comprehensive list of the 'system...
I seem to be going backward. I'm using the same autounattend.xml but now the install is failing with the following error:
This is the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
I have used various Office product throughout the years and on install had the opportunity to "Custom Install" which allowed all types of changes from programme file locations to programmes to be loaded.
My (detachable) laptop has a limited...
Hi, I have recently made a custom pc. I don't know how to get my current windows installation onto it without it deactivating or me having to pay. Any help would be appreciated