From 7 Pro to win 10 but do NOT want MS acc, just Local User Acc, HOW?

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  1. Posts : 23
    Win 10 Pro x64

    From 7 Pro to win 10 but do NOT want MS acc, just Local User Acc, HOW?

    Been doing some digging and found this
    Confirmed: Windows 10 Setup Now Prevents Local Account Creation
    and this
    Microsoft account required at initial setup - no way to bypass
    but they refer to "Home" and saying in Pro there is a "Domain" option but i can't see that and i downloaded the ISO about 4 days ago using their media creation tool, is there a workaround apart from the phone number that will help me bypass the MS account creation please?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,044

    I think that only applies to Home edition.

    Easiest way to be sure is disconnect from internet during installation process, then it will have to create a local acoount.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 72,448
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations


    Usually, you can also just enter a bogus phone number 1234567890 into the phone/email address field like in step 24 below to set up a local account while clean installing Windows 10 Home without having to disconnect from the Internet.

    Clean Install Windows 10
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    There is one major advantage to using a Microsoft Account, It assigns your licence to the microsoft account, which provides you with an option to recover a licence if the Motherboard fails beyond repair, and you need to relicense new hardware.

    It is my opinion that everyone should consider creating and using a Microsoft Account, not for day to day use, which can use a local account. The MS account can even be deleted from the system as long as you note and retain the details for use if the worse happens
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 920
    Windows 10 Pro

    Not using Home myself but if the above methods don't work, if you choose create new account there should be a link on the next page for creating an offline account, right down the bottom left of screen. I think.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 264
    Windows 10

    Barman58 said:
    There is one major advantage to using a Microsoft Account, It assigns your licence to the microsoft account, which provides you with an option to recover a licence if the Motherboard fails beyond repair, and you need to relicense new hardware.

    It is my opinion that everyone should consider creating and using a Microsoft Account, not for day to day use, which can use a local account. The MS account can even be deleted from the system as long as you note and retain the details for use if the worse happens
    you can get a digital license even if you donīt use a microsoft account.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 33,918
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Alloneword said:
    but they refer to "Home" and saying in Pro there is a "Domain" option but i can't see that and i downloaded the ISO about 4 days ago using their media creation tool, is there a workaround apart from the phone number that will help me bypass the MS account creation please?
    First of all, that only applies to a clean install, not an upgrade from W7 to W10. An upgrade just uses whatever account you currently have, it won't ask to set up a new one.

    Second, it's only Home that's missing the 'offline account' option, Pro still offers it if you set up for personal use (ie. not on a Domain).

    And finally, even a clean install of Home offers the offline account if you are not connected to the internet when you set it up. And if you forget, use Brink's suggested dummy phone number to get the offline account option to appear.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 72,448
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    xaccell said:
    you can get a digital license even if you donīt use a microsoft account.
    True, but linking that digital license to your Microsoft account makes it much easier and more reliable to activate Windows 10 with a hardware (ex: motherboard) change.

    Think of it as an optional fail safe.

    Link Microsoft Account to Windows 10 Digital License
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    It always used to be the case that unless you were prepared to spend a lot of time Proving to Microsoft that your Motherboard had failed, Microsoft would not allow transfer the licence to a new motherboard either replacing the failed unit or replacing the complete hardware, with Laptops, Tablets etc. You would normally be required to purchase a new licence

    Now this is an option for those with a linked account. It's basically a money saving freebee
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 23
    Win 10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Phone number trick worked for me, thx guys
      My Computer


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