Yes, same as post #25
Also see if this file is available:
A device attached to the system is not functioning.
2020-02-04 21:38:50, Error Mig::CUpgradeTransportPlatform::SetUserContext: Store platform failed to find the user with ID: USER00000002, SID: S-1-0-0
2020-02-04 21:38:50, Error MIG Mig::CKnowledgeManager::BeginProcessingContext: Source platform failed to set the user context USER00000002
2020-02-04 21:38:50, Error MigApply caught exception: Win32Exception: Can't switch to requested user context: USER00000002.: A device attached to the system is not functioning. [0x0000001F] int __cdecl Mig::CKnowledgeManager::Apply(class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CPlatform *,class Mig::CUserMappingList *,class UnBCL::Hashtable<class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *> *,class Mig::CAgentManager *,class Mig::CMigrationLogger *,int *,struct IMigExecuteProgress *)
2020-02-04 21:38:50, Info MIG Received request to restart the explorer process from context: SYSTEM
2020-02-04 21:38:50, Info Leaving MigApply method
2020-02-04 21:38:50, Error SP pSPExecuteApply: Apply operation failed. Error: 0x00000004