HiddenRecovery Drive is Primary and System after Upgrade to Windows 10
I recently upgraded my older HP desktop to Windows 10 from 7 on one of our office computers.
I did not notice prior to upgrade that there was a hidden partition on the system drive which held recovery files to restore Win 7 in case of a crash.
Unfortunately that partition also was primary, active and system.
The upgrade was uneventful except for the Windows 10 being MBR instead of GPT.
The computers bios will boot UEFI so I converted the system to GPT using the tool from Creators Edition (mbr2gpt)
All is well except for the fact that the 1st partition on the system drive is the old recovery partion (4GB) followed by the OS partition (C) which is then followed by the Windows 10 recovery partition (Yes 2 recovery partitions) followed by the EFI partition. If I delete the 4gb hidden partition with diskpart the system will not boot.
Is there a way to make the hidden 4gb recovery partition visible so that I can transfer the boot record to the OS partition? This EFI stuff is very confusing as I know the boot region needs to also be copied to the EFI partition.
If the partition can then be deleted is there a way to extend forward the OS partition to recapture the 4GB?
Should I just live with it as is and forgo the 4gb of space? That's how the computer was for 5 years except the recovery information in that space is now useless.