Windows 10 for new workstation builds - new to Win10 installing

  1. Posts : 66
    Windows 10 Pro

    Windows 10 for new workstation builds - new to Win10 installing

    Hello all, coming over here from Seven Forums since M$/Intel are basically forcing Win10 upon us with these newer motherboards.

    I work in a small architecture firm, and am responsible for basically all the tech in the office. We used to always order Dell workstation builds, but in the last few years we've moved towards the custom workstation builds, which I order and assemble/install/test myself. The last systems I built were almost exactly 3 years ago when I built 2 identical Win7 systems for me and a co-worker, with the setup I have listed in my profile. Those builds used the Intel Z97 chipset, and had no issues installing Win7.

    Now I have the parts for 2 new systems (boss and another co-worker) which will have the H370 chipset, which requires Windows 10 apparently, which I only found out after ordering 2 physical Win7 copies and now am having to RMA them and order Win10 product keys.

    So my question is, being this is my first time actually installing Win10, what do experienced people recommend for Win10 systems being used in an office environment? We have a file/domain server box running Server 2012 R2, which appears to have a similar UI to Win10. I've looked through the Clean Install Windows 10 tutorial, and as I understand it I can just download the latest build directly from Microsoft and create an installation flash drive. Can I also slipstream updates in with it that were released since the latest Win10 build? My main concern that I'd like to avoid is having to sit through hours and hours of Windows Updates with endless rebooting, like I did when I built these last 2 Win7 systems.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    The hours of hundreds of updates is gone with Windows 10. Download the latest media tool from MS and it is always one cumulative update from the most current version of Windows. A few driver updates and virus definitions and it's done.

    You can save the most recent cumulative update and apply it offline and you can export the current drivers to install them offline if you want to from the Windows Update Catalog.

    I would definitely not bother with slipstreaming anything. A new cumulative update comes out every one or two weeks.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 66
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Downloading the Win10 ISO now. So how is it as far as drivers go on a new, fresh system build? With Windows 7, I would often have to manually install a number of drivers for things like chipset, motherboard ethernet, USB etc. Will I still have to do such things with Win10 and a H370 chipset motherboard?
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 15,882

    PatrickGSR94 said:
    Downloading the Win10 ISO now. So how is it as far as drivers go on a new, fresh system build? With Windows 7, I would often have to manually install a number of drivers for things like chipset, motherboard ethernet, USB etc. Will I still have to do such things with Win10 and a H370 chipset motherboard?
    Windows 10 is far superior in terms of driver support. It should install most drivers needed automatically, or at least ones adequate to boot pc and use device so you can go to device manager and update them easily enough.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 66
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Got both machines built yesterday, loaded up Win10 on one machine yesterday and on the other one this morning. Both installs were pretty easy, although I was a little annoyed at having to install a network driver off the CD that came with the motherboard. Good thing I included optical drives with these builds. One would think that a motherboard as new as this one, which says it's optimized/made for Win10, and the latest Win10 download from M$, that one of those would already have a network driver built in. But no, I had to install the drivers after Win10 installed and finished installation, before I could connect to the office network. Oh well, minor annoyance I suppose.
      My Computers


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