grub2win (Windows 10 and Android x86) configuration confusion

  1. Posts : 457
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    grub2win (Windows 10 and Android x86) configuration confusion

    So I got grub2win working with my current setup, and I did find one topic relating to grub2win and android x86, but im still confused on some steps

    the version of android x86 I got is android-x86_64-8.1-rc1, and I have 2 HDD's (one for win10, the 2nd is for whatever else), so I formatted the drive to ext4 and installed android x86 to the 2nd HDD. Now I don't know if I'm meant to say yes to "install grub to HDD?", or if I can skip it and use grub2win to make an entry instead

    What I don't get is how to set grub2win to detect any Linux OS including android x86 when I can/can't switch to/from ext4; if I could get help in that regard, that would be nice, or considering the linux talk, should I take this to askubuntu instead?
    Last edited by BrokenDaily; 09 Nov 2018 at 04:24.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,619
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    I had done it, but I do not remember details. It turns out that the path for Android-x86 is wrong and you have to modify it. Google for it, sorry I don't remember to guide you. Sorry.
      My Computer


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