Copy Updated C Partition to a previously cloned drive works ?

  1. Posts : 1,318
    Windows 10

    Copy Updated C Partition to a previously cloned drive works ?

    I am planning to test the impact of upgrading to windows version 1803 from 1709 after a catastrophic failure at the beginning of this year .

    So basically I have had a disk drive upgrade where i cloned the older drive then reinstalled it as a second bootable drive on the system earlier this year and havent touched it since , what i was thinking was to copy my boot drive over to that drive then use it for the upgrade test but i was wondering this :

    1 - do i need to reclone the drive as there are usually 3 hidden partitions related to windows or just copying the boot drive partition over works too ?

    2 - if i need to reclone , anybody knows of a software that would only clone those 4 partitions and reserve the rest on that drive ? as the manufacturer clone software just support complete drive clones .
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    I would wait a couple of weeks as the major update is out any time now so it would be better to go straight to the new system or you would have to do big update twices
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 240
    Dual Boot Windows 11 & 10, usually latest version

    nIGHTmAYOR said:
    1 - do i need to reclone the drive as there are usually 3 hidden partitions related to windows or just copying the boot drive partition over works too ?

    2 - if i need to reclone , anybody knows of a software that would only clone those 4 partitions and reserve the rest on that drive ? as the manufacturer clone software just support complete drive clones .
    Most any of the disk clone programs will let you copy partitions instead of the whole disk.
      My Computers


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