Screen Flickers/Multicolored Bars (Briefly)

  1. Posts : 305
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations

    Screen Flickers/Multicolored Bars (Briefly)

    I have a relatively new Dell Precision 3520 that I purchased in May of this year. It has an Nvidia Quadro M620 w 2 GB GDDR5 graphics card and a 1920x1080 display. I have 32 GB of DDR ECC memory in it as well (not sure if the video card uses some of the main memory). I'm running Windows 10. Most of what I'm doing is using Citrix Receiver to connect to Epic (an electronic medical record system) while running Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.3. Nothing graphics intensive really.

    Occasionally, for very brief periods I will get episodes where the screen will flash or get multicolored bars (almost always vertical as far as I can tell). I cannot seem to find anything that triggers it, but it usually occurs when I'm moving my mouse (this may be a coincidence). It just happens periodically.

    I've rebooted the computer, made sure all drivers are up-to-date, etc., but it still occurs.

    Any thoughts? Hoping the video card isn't about to go out. Not sure if others have had similar problems before or if this is related to a Windows 10 update. I realize this is like saying "I hear a rattle in my car somewhere" and trying to get people on a forum to diagnose it, but I'm trying to keep from sending it in and being out of commission for a while. Thanks!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 63
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    I currently have an Asus K95VJ notebook from a co-worker that has similar problems. Its not mouse related, but it seems to be caused by the display cable that runs through the screenhinge. I can trigger the vertical lines by putting pressure on the bit of screenbezel right above the hinge

    I'm searching for a replacement part but no luck so far. Could be worth looking into, in your case, it might even fall under warranty?
      My Computer


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