Excuse my stupidity...Ned help with PCI video card

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  1. Posts : 4,453
    Win 11 Pro 22000.708

    milford said:
    For anyone interested, it will not work. Per PNY...

    Thank you for contacting PNY Technical Support.

    By spec PCIE 3.0 is backward compatible with PCIE 2.0 however the newer cards are UEFI compliant and will not work in pre-UEFI motherboards. Unfortunately the motherboard you have listed is a pre-UEFI motherboard, regardless of the PCIE version GeForce 700 series or later will not work on this motherboard.

    I guess that I know even less about hardware than I thought. I'm surprised that they don't make the cards more backwards compatible. I'll have to do a little studying to see whether I can get a clearer grasp of the issue.

    I wondered whether Gigabyte might have a BIOS update to take the motherboard into UEFI compliance, but the latest one listed is from 2009. No mention of that in the short release notes.

    Sounds like you may be outa luck in terms of graphics card upgrades. My sympathies.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 848
    Windows 10 LTSC

    milford said:
    For anyone interested, it will not work. Per PNY...

    Thank you for contacting PNY Technical Support.

    By spec PCIE 3.0 is backward compatible with PCIE 2.0 however the newer cards are UEFI compliant and will not work in pre-UEFI motherboards. Unfortunately the motherboard you have listed is a pre-UEFI motherboard, regardless of the PCIE version GeForce 700 series or later will not work on this motherboard.

    I'm pretty sure it will still work as I have used a GTX 460 on a Z97 motherboard.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 63
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    That UEFI story sounds like BS to be honest.

    Anyway, why are you even considering a 730? Those are 3 years old atleast
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 848
    Windows 10 LTSC

    I purchased a GT 730 1GB GDDR5 to replace my dead GTX 460 SE.

    The performance difference is very huge, it's a siginificant downgrade. If I had the extra budget I had then went to GT 1030.

    The GT 1030 is a great budget graphics card, the performance of that sits in between GTX 750 and GTX 750 Ti.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,453
    Win 11 Pro 22000.708

    FastFred said:
    That UEFI story sounds like BS to be honest.

    That was my reaction. I wondered whether a company support person would be arrogant enough to block a sale.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 366
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    bobkn said:
    That was my reaction. I wondered whether a company support person would be arrogant enough to block a sale.
    My thought is they could be discouraging the sale because they arent certain that the card will be compatible. This would get them contacted for support, and providing the support may be a larger cost to them than they would make off the sale. Not sure if this is really true, Im just throwing out a thought.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    ArazelEternal said:
    My thought is they could be discouraging the sale because they arent certain that the card will be compatible. This would get them contacted for support, and providing the support may be a larger cost to them than they would make off the sale. Not sure if this is really true, Im just throwing out a thought.
    They hire people who know little to nothing about the products they are supposed to give support for. They have a guide they use to track down and hopefully solve your problem. If it's not in the guide than chances are they can not help.
      My Computers


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