HDMI not working on my Acer Aspire (might be a problem with the OS?)

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    HDMI not working on my Acer Aspire (might be a problem with the OS?)

    I bought this laptop in January of 2016, so it's been a year and a half, it's a Acer Aspire ES1-512, I'm running on Windows 10. This week, I was about to watch a movie, I plugged my HDMi cable in my TV, and then in my laptop, and suddenly there was no sign of detecting my computer, it seems as if my HDMI port had suddenly died. Of course, I tried different cable and different TV screens, it seems obvious now that there is a problem with the HDMI on my computer (I also planned to write on the Acer community but the forums are down right now lol...).

    I tried doing some updates on my Windows, but I am wondering if there is a way to replace the driver or maybe there is something I am missing regarding my settings in Windows 10 regarding the HDMI port.

    I can give you more information, I've just noticed, when I plugged the HDMI cable in my TV screen, it looks like my TV is detecting something since the wire icon appears under HDMI 2...
    The problem is that there is nothing going on my laptop screen and on the TV screen, it still says No Signal I don't understand why it detects when I plug it in my computer, but there is no signal. And just to be clear, I also tried on another TV, it's definitely my laptop.

    Thanks, would love to solve this problem, I hope my HDMI port didn't die after only a year
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,216
    Windows 10 IoT

    Settings > System > Display, does it show both displays?
    If Yes, Press the Windows Logo Key, and the P key and select extend and see what happens.
    If no have a look in Device manager > Monitors and in Display Adapters for any yellow ! etc.
      My Computer


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