How to prevent Nvidia drivers from reinstalling?

  1. Posts : 28
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit

    How to prevent Nvidia drivers from reinstalling?


    In a previous thread, I described a problem I had where my USB mouse and keyboard would freeze frequently. I could not unfreeze a USB port, but mouse and keyboard would work if I changed ports.

    It was suggested that I completely uninstall all Nvidia drivers and software using the Display Driver Uninstaller, then reinstall the appropriate drivers, only the bare essentials. This instantly solved the USB problem.

    But now this problem is returning, even though I blocked these two updates with Microsoft's "Show or hide updates" utility:
    NVIDIA - Display - 2/6/2017 12:00:00 AM -
    NVIDIA Corporation - MEDIA - 8/30/2015 12:00:00 AM -

    Since the problem was fixed immediately after following the suggestion, and since it has now returned even though I blocked these two updates, I'm guessing there's somehow some other drivers that were still automatically updated. Is there a way to narrow down this problem and find out which drivers were updated since a certain time? If this is the problem, can I prevent Windows from touching the graphics drivers in the future?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 325
    Windows 10 Pro
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 28
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    I forgot to mention that I already did that. Is it still possible that some drivers still get automatically updated?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 28
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Another clue: Sometimes when a USB port freezes, my Bluetooth headphones (my desktop has Bluetooth) stop working at exactly the same time, and I have to restart the computer (or log out and log in) to get Bluetooth back. Does this sound like a motherboard problem?

    To recap what I've tried:
    • Installing the latest drivers for my motherboard.
    • Checking for BIOS updates. (There were none.)
    • I turned off "Turbo mode" in the BIOS and maybe this helped a tiny bit, but I don't know for sure.
    • Complete, fresh reinstall of Windows 10.
    • Updating to Windows 10 1703, then downgrading to 1607.
    • Live Lubuntu on USB. Didn't have the freezing problem there, but it's possible I didn't wait long enough.
    • Checkdisk and memory test.
    • DISM.
    • HDtune.
    • Completely uninstalling Nvidia drivers and software and reinstalling only the bare essentials. <-- This is the only thing that instantly fixed my dead USB ports, but now I have the same problem for some reason, even though I checked "No" in Device Installation Settings and blocked Nvidia updates.
    • Checked "No" in Device Installation Settings.
    • Blocking Windows update from installing Nvidia drivers and software.

    More details in my previous thread: BSOD randomly, usually error 0x0000001a Solved - Windows 10 Forums

    This problem has been a real hassle, and troubleshooting has dragged on for weeks. I hope I don't have to get a new computer, at least not until I know exactly what's wrong with this one. Thanks.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit

    Me, my friend, and my Dad's rigs are all doing this. Ours is just with our Nvidia Drivers. We tried most of the same things you did, still Windows update would sneak whatever version of GeForce drivers out thinks we should have.We have the 1703 build on all of ours. We first tried installing a program by O&O called Shutup10. This worked for keeping Windows update from forcing driver updates on other devices.
    Long story short, ended up having to edit the Group Policy for Device installations. You have to get your hardware IDs codes from all the hardware that you don't want windows installing drivers for. Copy and paste them into the policy list of hardware exemptions. Worked like a charm.
    Verified by looking in windows update history and drop down arrow for Device drivers and there it is , Nvidia Display Driver failed to install. Here's the detailed instructions I followed:
    How to Prevent Windows from Automatically Updating Specific Drivers
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 28
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Actually, I have replaced my power supply, and this seems to have finally fixed the problem. If not, I'll be back here, and thanks for your answer.
      My Computer


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