No 1920x1080 resolution option in Windows 10

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  1. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    For what it's worth, all 3 of my Monitors show as generic PNP Monitor and I can run my main screen at 1920 x 1080 with no problems. It's a 22 inch wide screen LG. Windows sets that resolution by default when my Video drivers are auto updated. All 3 of my monitors will flash briefly when the video drivers are updated in the background. Usually happens in the first 5 or 10 minutes after a clean install.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,335

    I have never figured out why for some like you it works on auto but for others like me and Eze it doesn't but something I guess in how PNP talks to certain Monitors. Installing my monitor INF is one of the 1st things I do after a new install, so I can work at the monitor's Native Res.

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    The inf file can fix issues like that, if you can find one for your monitor. Medal of Honor Airborne won't play on my main monitor unless I update it with its matching inf file. The graphics are all jumbled. I have no idea why? Every other program uses it just fine. There is no inf for my 19 inch I-Inc monitors. I-Inc never created one for them.
    There is info passed by the display to Windows to ID it and set the correct resolution and denote the supported resolution. It's passed over the video connection.
    If that doesn't happen, for what ever reason, you can end up like OP and have the incorrect mode. Either the monitor doesn't support it, or something blocks it. A KVM switch may block it etc.
      My Computer


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