How to confirm that black screen originates due to my video card?

  1. Posts : 110
    Windows 10

    How to confirm that black screen originates due to my video card?

    ASUS Z97-A with i5-4460 @ 3.2ghz. Win10 (latest Insider build). AMD R7-200 video card.
    Unpredictably, my monitor goes black except for a brief message that there is no HDMI. Usually a cold boot is required to restart, then the system runs in a normal fashion.
    The Event Viewer doesn't show any related events. System fans and power continue to run when the screen goes black. I presume it's the video card, but before I throw a couple of hundred dollars at the problem, I'd like to know how to check if it might be something else.
    Also...what mid-range cards do you folks like for desktop and mid-range (non-twitch?) gaming? I play a lot of Witcher 3 for example-- and the video card performs adequately.
    Thanks very much.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    You could remove the card and see if the graphics work with the GPU from the processor.
      My Computer


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