AMD Radeon Crimson Edition - Can we Uninstall it?
Hi all
I'm not sure if I'm on the right forum (?Drivers & Hardware or Graphics cards or ... ?). If I'm not, could a kind mod please move me?
My wife recently bought a Lenovo Ideapad 300-15ISK. Runs Win. 10 Home, version 1511.
Yesterday (14 July 2016) after being pestered for a couple of days by a popup in the lower-right corner of her screen offering an "AMD Radeon update", she finally checked with me and I agreed yes, update, because I too thought it would be some essential driver for the laptop (both our laptops have a "AMD Radeon" sticker on them). However ...
First thing I got worried about was the size of the download (we're on metred wireless broadband). It was about 1.3 GB. What had been downloaded was "AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition", which appears from what I read to be gaming software. Or, at least, you only really seem to need it if you're a gamer.
The following appeared after the install:
- A Raptr icon on the desktop.
- On rebooting laptop, a popup appears inviting login to "Gaming Evolved Powered by Raptr" with the login space already filled in with 18 characters neither I nor my wife put there. There is a long line of dots in the password space. (We simply close this popup).
The Control Panel/Programs & Features shows the following created yesterday (14 July 2016):
- AMD Install Manager (26.3MB) Version
- Raptr (184MB) Version 5.2.1-r114509-release
These folders created yesterday (14 July 2016):
- Windows C:/ AMD (892MB) - Contains folder "Packages" which contains folders "Apps" and "Drivers".
- Windows C:/Program Files/AMD (92.8MB)
- Windows C:/Program Files (x86)/AMD (54.9MB)
- Windows C:/Program Files (x86)/Raptr (0Bytes)
- Windows C:/Program Files (x86)/Raptr Inc (368MB)
Neither my wife nor I have any interest in gaming and wish to avoid future heavy downloads (updates of 300MB+ seem to have come out almost weekly since Crimson's release in November 2015 - e.g. see AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.7.2 Hotfix Update Driver - TechSpot).
As an aside, I note my own laptop (a Toshiba Satellite bought in June 2015) has AMD Catalyst Install Manager 8.0.916.0 and is still running fine and I've never been prompted to download Crimson. Thus, I suspect the "invite" app might have been bundled with a Java-based office software my wife installed.
Anyhoo, is it safe to uninstall AMD Install Manager Version or will that cause problems with the laptop's normal functioning? I've also posted to Bleeping Computers but only had one respondent there who says it's ok to delete the Raptr but not the Install manager. I'd hoped uninstalling the latter would restore the AMD program that had been there before but might it wipe everything AMD???
Or is a System Restore to an earlier date the only solution?