Cannot delete download once drivers are installed

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  1. Posts : 101
    Windows 10

    Cannot delete download once drivers are installed

    I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question so if it isn't, please let me know.
    I've downloaded drivers for my NVIDIA graphics card and have installed them, however I cannot delete the original EXE from my download folder, I get a popup telling me that the action cannot be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer,duh. The preview pane is disabled so I know it's not that. I've never had any problems like this when running 7 so whats with 10 and how do I delete it. No reason to keep it if the drivers are already installed. Thanks in advanc for any help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64

    That's not good. If the zip file you installed from is still being opened by an application then it could either be your compressed file opener? (WinZip?) or it's become corrupted somehow. I wouldn't really trust a graphics install that left me with that mess.

    Get into task manager and see what file is open and see if you can find out why? You can close the file, you can then close the zip. if you can close the offending process. You may have to look through your start-up programs for clues to find out what's opening it on start up..

    You should restart your graphics install from scratch. You may have a problem waiting in the wings.

    You need a graphics driver Uninstaller to remove all your old files completely for a sure clean up. The one of choice for Nvidia is the DDU - Display Driver Uninstaller.. (Google for the latest version..) and use it according to it's instructions and get a fresh set of graphics drivers downloaded from a different site and try again.

    Good luck.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 10

    "REVO Uninstaller" might help.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 101
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    , the file which cannot be deleted is an exe file which installs the video card drivers and was downloaded directly from the NVIDIA website. I've downloaded many of these files, while in Win 7, and never had any problems deleting it once the drivers were installed. Since I've upgraded to Win 10 now I'm getting this problem. I use REVO UNINSTALLER when deleting programs cause it does such a good job of rooting out all the extraneous stuff which is usually left behind by the program uninstaller. Normally you shouldn't have to use REVO when updating video drivers as they are normally overwritten by the new install. I've checked where the program files are being used by using REVO and AUTORUNS (Microsoft put this out years ago) and all are being used from Program Files (X86) and also checked Task Manager and none are being run from the Dowloads folder. Seems to me that Win 10 is treating this file as if it were part of the operating system, or parts thereof. In Win 7 I would normally go into safe mode and delete the file but after seeing how to get into safe mode in Win 10 I'm not so sure if that's a good idea. I haven't tried it yet and I don't know if safe mode in Win 10 allows you to view files and folders. I've downloaded other exe's and deleted them, this makes no sense.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64

    I think you should try safe mode. Try to delete the exe from there.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 101
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I tried Safe mode to delete the EXE, unfortunately I got the same results, can't delete the file. I used Revo to uninstall the drivers but once the drivers are installed I end up with the same problem. What gives with Win 10? This is really stupid. I think Microsoft should investigate this problem, or am I the only one who is having this problem?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 260
    Win 10 Pro X64

    Try to use something like Hiren boot CD using the XP mini or other programs built in and once it's loaded delete the file or create a live Linux CD/DVD/USB to do the same
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64

    Bring up your System Configuration and choose the Services tab. Tick hide all Microsoft Services. and then untick everything that is left, reboot see if you can delete the file.

    Edit: If it doesn't work put it back the way it was.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,936
    Windows 10 Home x64

    If it's drive C try doing a chkdsk c: /f and try deleting it afterwards.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 100
    Windows 10 64

    Is there anything related to this error in the events viewer?
      My Computer


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