Windows 10 won't detect second display on DVI, but Ubuntu will
I am having an issue with my dual-monitor setup in Windows 10. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650. My dual-monitor setup was working fine, until the computer complained it was overheating. I blew out the CPU and GPU heatsinks with compressed air. Now it will not detect my DVI monitor, but VGA still works. I have tried switching the cable out for a new one, testing the DVI on the monitor with my MacBook, and I have even RMA'd the card back to EVGA. It will still not detect my DVI display.
But here's the kicker: it works under Xubuntu. I tried booting into my Xubuntu LiveUSB and both monitors work without a hitch. Could it be a driver issue? I'm pretty sure it isn't a hardware problem, since I tested both the cable and the monitor, and even sent the card back to EVGA.
What's going on?