Ive got the info for the change and will be trying it later.
Well ive installed the latest drivers and niw ive got the screen lock back but the sreen now rotates backwards, turn clockwise it rotates clockwise making it upside down in portrait. Can anybody help?
Can you show me exactly where you did take downloads from for drivers, i tried looking and see nothing on Netbooks site for this model for Windows 10, i do see it for Flexx 10 and 9. Did see some issues with Flexx 10 and rotate with windows 10, did not see a resolution to it yet.
I got them from the kionix website (manufacturer) they are for windows 8, 8.1 and 10 . There is a text file in the zip file talking about this very thing but cant figure that part out.
Did you find this on site, factory_cal –mount 2 ? Able to locate this in regedit HLKM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\SENSOR\0000\kxfusion ? Problem is, does not tell you what value to change it to.
Assume it goes by what is happening to change in regedit
If device does not have chip mount info (an ACPI _CDM method), please calibrate with factory_cal or set a ChipMount value in the registry.
If the screen is rotated by 90 degrees and it changes the right way when the device is turned (screen goes counterclockwise when device goes clockwise), use DEVICE_MAP2 if the screen is counterclockwise, or DEVICE_MAP4 is it’s clockwise.
If the screen changes the wrong way (rotates the same way as the device), use DEVICE_MAP6 for counter, DEVICE_MAP8 for clockwise.
Netbook itself had no driver updates as this is the manufacturer of the product, i had trouble finding it though myself.
Tell you, not something i ever saw before being used for correction, possible driver issues with this netbook and windows 10 not yet being resolved.
When I get into kxfusion the factory_cal isnt there. Do you have any idea as to the syntax ill add it like it says